Together we are improving the health and wellbeing of the Inland Empire's children.

Help Me Grow unites a community around its children. When we all participate and work together to support early identification and intervention, our children can thrive.

Help Me Grow Partners

First 5 Commissions, public and private community health providers, behavioral health providers, educators, and community agencies in Riverside and San Bernardino counties have long partnered to invest in and provide screening and early intervention supports. 

Help Me Grow provides an opportunity to build upon these foundations. By better connecting services and partners, we can move the needle on improved outcomes for children in the Inland Empire. Learn more about how Help Me Grow works, or click on a button below to learn how Help Me Grow can be a resource for you.

“It’s compassionate people serving all families with a high level of care and coordination to transform lives that will transform communities.”

– A vision of Help Me Grow’s success, as expressed by a Help Me Grow community partner