
Help Me Grow Inland Empire Electronic Data System (EDS) Evaluation Report FY 2020-2021
The following report presents Help Me Grow Inland Empire (HMGIE) Data from Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The data displays who HMGIE served, who was reached, and what assessments were provide.

Help Me Grow Inland Empire Central Access Point (CAP) Evaluation Report FY 2020-2021
The following report presents Help Me Grow Inland Empire (HMGIE) Data from Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The data displays who HMGIE (CAP) served, who was reached, what was provided, and how successful it was.

Family Milestones Brochure
Your baby will learn and grow so much in the first year. It’s an exciting journey! Help Me Grow Inland Empire is here to help you along the way. Learn more about your child’s development! […]

Community Progress Report 2020-2021
HMGIE is proud to share our 2020-2021 Community Progress Report, which showcases the progress to date in developing HMGIE, where the system is headed, and the perspectives of diverse community partners from across the region on what HMGIE has accomplished and where there are opportunities for further development.

Parent and Family Engagement Plan
This report is developed to help system partners and community organizations plan and develop strategies for engaging parents and families in the Inland Empire to build strong collaborative partnerships …

Family Engagement Landscape Analysis
Thank you to the many local partners who contributed to the recent landscape analysis conducted to help develop an approach for engaging families as part of the ongoing governance structure of HMGIE.

Community Progress Report 2018-2020
HMGIE is proud to share our Community Progress Report, which showcases the progress to date in developing HMGIE, where the system is headed, and the perspectives of diverse community partners from across the region.

2019 – 2020 Strategic Plan
Vision: All children achieve their full potential
Mission: To serve and connect all children and families in the Inland Empire with prevention and early intervention services.